Several websites have specialized in the publication of Nollywood movies online for "Flygerians" and Nollywood movie lovers to watch. Sites like Nollywoodlove publish these movies for free and legally. Here is what their "about me" section says:
Whaaaaaaat? For Free?
Yes for free. We have a partnership with YouTube which enables us to run adverts alongside or inside the movies you are watching. This means we will be able to ensure a film is free for NollywoodLovers globally.
Do we buy movies legally? A little clarification. Firstly. Yes, yes and yes! we have invested tens of thousands of dollars buying the right to stream movies on YouTube and the internet. These are multi year contracts which go directly to the film production houses. This is very different and many times more expensive than what used to happen (buying a market copy and simply uploading and sharing), and is patently illegal.
You can find further information about us at
For information about how we license and protect Nollywood content onilne check out our our Corporate dudes website. "
Yes I did visit the website, and they seem pretty official. The business idea is partnering with Youtube, iTunes, Dailymotion, and amazon video, to broadcast Nollywood movies on the internet. They are actually financially improving Nollywood movie industry, and giving them popularity.
It is really cool that a site can offer free access to viewers along at the same time that it creates fame and revenue for the industry. Very interesting site.